Now is the PERFECT Time ...

It is February!

Where did January go!? ARGH!

I have blinked and am suddenly fully into this new year of 2020…. a year which is going to prove to be a big one globally and locally. A lot of political global and local action that we are all aware of, viruses now declared a global crisis, locally fires are a big issue, and oh my goodness, I put on weight whilst on holiday!

Which one is bothering me the most? (This is where you can picture me hiding my head in shame)

Let me reassure you, my lovely reader (and thank you so much for that), that I am very aware it is a first-world problem, and a pretty good one to have. So I am lucky.

Now back to my soft round body.

A complete result of being out of my comfortable routines and habits. I’ve slipped out of these healthy habits for 4 weeks, I’m feeing it and I need to get back on track. Easily said, not easily done, not without some plans anyway. Thank goodness we are still close enough to our new year to feel that now is a wonderful time to make a few little changes. Whether it is your body, your health, your mind, your spirit, I’m sure that there is something in your life that is less than perfect AND completely in your ability to change. Write a list.


First 2 columns:

  1. What you want In your Life

  2. What you don’t want in your life

Have a look at those 2 columns.

Do any of the things listed marry up and reflect the other?

Mine sure did.

I was listening to the wonderful Terry Gilliam the other day and he stated that he started off years ago working out what he didn’t want before he worked out what he did want, and this really got me thinking. I’m not sure about you but ideally, I would like to grow and better myself every year and I KNOW, this will NEVER happen if I don’t make plans and stick to them. The trick is to make them short, quantifiable and easy, easy, easy!

Are you worth this self-centred approach?


Just imagine yourself really happy. You are really happy and walking down the street near you and you are feeling successful, you are feeling a deep inner happiness and confidence that you are terrific and valuable to others. People pass you and smile because they can see the light in your eyes and sense the happy energy that surrounds you. That energy naturally ‘gives’ to others. They smile and they feel better and maybe even pass that on…who knows…. Feel this as you picture this. Happy, successful, valuable. You are useful to others and loved by others. You know some people can’t see this though and they are the ones that might growl at you or be unhappy ‘with’ you. That’s ok, when you walk past them you feel fine and smile anyway because they really need the extra support, and off you continue.

Wonderful feeling isn’t it.

Is a better version of yourself, more intelligent, multilingual, has a great body?

What is a couple of traits this person has? Write them down. I bet they have something to do with what you want and are the opposite of what you don’t want.

Now some actions. Write down one or more things (no matter how unrealistic), that you can do to begin to open yourself to be that person. If it’s intelligence you may want to do a course, read more books, etc. Just free think. You are not beholden to any action. The next steps are really picking an action and breaking it down into easy to do bits. Say learning a language. What if I learned one new word a day….that sounds so easy and so simple and so doable. One word a day, 365 days in a year. This time next year I could know 365 words in Spanish! Think about that. How amazing that would be. You would be you, but a you with 365 words that you know very well. That’s just in one year. The mind boggles to think how your world could look if you did this for the rest of your life. What a truly incredible person you would be and you would have so much more to offer the people in your world.


With my Active Owls groups, we pick something to do every day of the month. Last year we did x amount of squats daily, another we stretched our hamstrings daily, and the results were great. This month we are enjoying a simple pushup challenge (any variety) to start the year off. We mark off this sheet each time we do this and compare results at the end. Feel free to download this sheet and join in with us :-)

So what do you think? What do you think you will do? I have started small with a walk around the block every morning, not negotiable. I can run it, make it longer, but I have to at least walk it. It is not long as I know what I am like at the moment, lazy! So I keep it reasonable and will add on to it in a few weeks. I like to work this way with clients too. I even thought of getting a coach just to provide me a kick start and make me more accountable. Coaches and fitness challenges are a great way to start this, AND they can all be done online these days. The gym I am in has a terrific 8 week challenge starting soon. Check it out if fitness is your goal and you need some motivation.

So it can be anything. The sky’s the limit!

What COULD you do?

What WILL you do?

…….. I’d love to know :-)

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10 Tips To Kickstart Your Fat-loss

Fat loss is an ongoing concern for many of us.

We often feel its a choice between a fun life and good times with friends then being overweight OR an intense workout everyday and a diet that leaves us hangry as all hell, hopefully we are slimmer ……. until we inevitably relax and straight back to the old us

Fat loss really isn’t that hard, BUT it's easy to panic and make it hard. I work with people who want to lose fat all the time. Clients get a good eating plan, recommendations and guidance through workouts that will improve shape/ strength/ tone. You don’t need a coach though. It is easier to initiate change with a coach, but what if you can’t afford it or feel you are beyond help.

Be consistent - this is actually a first and last rule.

Pick one of the below and stick with it EVERYDAY. The people who don’t achieve their goals (and this applies in everything), are the ones that don’t do something everyday towards it.

Its always the 80/20% rule, there is no need to be perfect. Fat loss WILL occur if you are consistent.

Thats it.

It really is that easy, but of course we don’t tend to do what needs to be done. Sometimes we start a massive change. All in. That lasts about 2-6 weeks, and then we are back to where we were or worse. So lets start small. Its not as satisfying but it works and it lasts.

Consistency is the key, but it doesn’t just happen. We need a plan and we need rules. We are training that goodnatured and lazy Labrador that lurks inside of us.

Your first task is to pick one of the rules below and do it everyday for a week. Keep it simple and easy.

Then add another thing and do that everyday, and so on.

These are habits below are shown time and again what all successfully slim people do. Once you have done it enough, you will be one of those people too.

Lets Go!


10 - 15,000 steps a day - It’s not necessary to count steps but it is a really good way to see how active you are during each day and it will encourage you to move more

Weights- Lift weights 3 -4 x a week. Muscle burns fat. Full stop. We can build bulky muscle or lean muscle BUT we must build muscle for a strong, youthful body and mind.


Water- 2-3 litres a day (yes tea and coffee do count, but fresh is best. Do NOT count soft drinks, even diet ones)

No Soft drinks - diet or otherwise. Diet soft drinks still trigger insulin responses and that will lead to fat gain.

5-8 Serves of vegetables a day- Most of us don’t eat nearly enough.

Protein with every meal- protein is filling, no doubt about it. Add healthy proteins to every meal and snack and try even to eat them first.

Carb free days- It's true, excess carbs turn convert to fats (so do proteins by the way, but that’s a little harder). Minimising or eliminating carbs is a brilliant way to pull your body towards greater health and that always means burning excess fat. Try a day without breads, pasta, rice, all grains, low fruit, and no sugar. See how that feels. Make sure to add healthy organic olive oil, fish oils, avocados, oily fish etc, to feed your body and keep you satisfied.

Intermittent fasting- There are so many styles of intermittent fasting and they can be extremely effective. The 5 and 2 days and the daily 12 hour eating window is among the easiest and most common. Fasting can be overdone and females are a little more sensitive to hormonal fluctuations that they can cause, so read up before you dive into it hard.

Chew slowly - Try for 20 chews per mouthful and watch how satiated you feel and less prone to look for more. Its also a great mindfulness exercise.


Sleep- The best for last. Sleep is vital for our body to function properly and ‘good’ sleep is imperative. There are 3 basic phases to sleep and that is a cycle from light sleep to deep sleep to REM (dream state generally speaking). We need a good dose of all 3 to maintain a healthy body and mind. Fat wise, poor sleep will lead to elevated cortisol and more chronically high insulin levels and these guys equal fat gain and also fat burning resistance. Put sleep quality first on your list of priorities.

So what do you think?

Which one will you try first?

Please don’t over analyse, Just pick one (I can do that for you if you contact me). Share with me how you go. Don’t be shy, just do it. Consistency is the key to miracles.

I have only briefly described the above 10 tips to start losing fat. Please email me if you have any questions regarding them. I’m available for bookings, in person and online, if you wish to get a personal program created for you that will incorporate fitness, nutrition and lifestyle enhancements to fit your personal situation.

All the best to you and your health!

Vashti :-)

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