Now is the PERFECT Time ...

It is February!

Where did January go!? ARGH!

I have blinked and am suddenly fully into this new year of 2020…. a year which is going to prove to be a big one globally and locally. A lot of political global and local action that we are all aware of, viruses now declared a global crisis, locally fires are a big issue, and oh my goodness, I put on weight whilst on holiday!

Which one is bothering me the most? (This is where you can picture me hiding my head in shame)

Let me reassure you, my lovely reader (and thank you so much for that), that I am very aware it is a first-world problem, and a pretty good one to have. So I am lucky.

Now back to my soft round body.

A complete result of being out of my comfortable routines and habits. I’ve slipped out of these healthy habits for 4 weeks, I’m feeing it and I need to get back on track. Easily said, not easily done, not without some plans anyway. Thank goodness we are still close enough to our new year to feel that now is a wonderful time to make a few little changes. Whether it is your body, your health, your mind, your spirit, I’m sure that there is something in your life that is less than perfect AND completely in your ability to change. Write a list.


First 2 columns:

  1. What you want In your Life

  2. What you don’t want in your life

Have a look at those 2 columns.

Do any of the things listed marry up and reflect the other?

Mine sure did.

I was listening to the wonderful Terry Gilliam the other day and he stated that he started off years ago working out what he didn’t want before he worked out what he did want, and this really got me thinking. I’m not sure about you but ideally, I would like to grow and better myself every year and I KNOW, this will NEVER happen if I don’t make plans and stick to them. The trick is to make them short, quantifiable and easy, easy, easy!

Are you worth this self-centred approach?


Just imagine yourself really happy. You are really happy and walking down the street near you and you are feeling successful, you are feeling a deep inner happiness and confidence that you are terrific and valuable to others. People pass you and smile because they can see the light in your eyes and sense the happy energy that surrounds you. That energy naturally ‘gives’ to others. They smile and they feel better and maybe even pass that on…who knows…. Feel this as you picture this. Happy, successful, valuable. You are useful to others and loved by others. You know some people can’t see this though and they are the ones that might growl at you or be unhappy ‘with’ you. That’s ok, when you walk past them you feel fine and smile anyway because they really need the extra support, and off you continue.

Wonderful feeling isn’t it.

Is a better version of yourself, more intelligent, multilingual, has a great body?

What is a couple of traits this person has? Write them down. I bet they have something to do with what you want and are the opposite of what you don’t want.

Now some actions. Write down one or more things (no matter how unrealistic), that you can do to begin to open yourself to be that person. If it’s intelligence you may want to do a course, read more books, etc. Just free think. You are not beholden to any action. The next steps are really picking an action and breaking it down into easy to do bits. Say learning a language. What if I learned one new word a day….that sounds so easy and so simple and so doable. One word a day, 365 days in a year. This time next year I could know 365 words in Spanish! Think about that. How amazing that would be. You would be you, but a you with 365 words that you know very well. That’s just in one year. The mind boggles to think how your world could look if you did this for the rest of your life. What a truly incredible person you would be and you would have so much more to offer the people in your world.


With my Active Owls groups, we pick something to do every day of the month. Last year we did x amount of squats daily, another we stretched our hamstrings daily, and the results were great. This month we are enjoying a simple pushup challenge (any variety) to start the year off. We mark off this sheet each time we do this and compare results at the end. Feel free to download this sheet and join in with us :-)

So what do you think? What do you think you will do? I have started small with a walk around the block every morning, not negotiable. I can run it, make it longer, but I have to at least walk it. It is not long as I know what I am like at the moment, lazy! So I keep it reasonable and will add on to it in a few weeks. I like to work this way with clients too. I even thought of getting a coach just to provide me a kick start and make me more accountable. Coaches and fitness challenges are a great way to start this, AND they can all be done online these days. The gym I am in has a terrific 8 week challenge starting soon. Check it out if fitness is your goal and you need some motivation.

So it can be anything. The sky’s the limit!

What COULD you do?

What WILL you do?

…….. I’d love to know :-)

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Healthy Habits, Motivation, Nutrition, Success Vashti Schulz Healthy Habits, Motivation, Nutrition, Success Vashti Schulz

Self sabotage - It's a real thing!

Are you achieving your body composition goals? No matter whether its a lean body or more muscle, you should be noticing positive changes already if you have been doing the workouts as directed and eating in the suggested manner using the hand sizes for portion control and eating the recommended number of each daily.

Yes no?

If yes, FANTASTIC! Free pass from this blog…but if no…just read on…I’ll be kind I promise 🙂

Do you feel out of control in your diet at times…even regular times during the day? Do you have enough energy for your workouts? Are you reading too many self proclaimed experts on the internet that seem to know ‘the secret’ and that’s making you second guess yourself and your choices? I certainly do and that’s my job! Honestly, it's very easy and common after the first couple of weeks of any kind of change to your old habits and routine for some of those things to slip back in there. VERY NORMAL…VERY…I feel that really needs to be stated. That’s why we are all in this together.

The following are a few common ways we sabotage ourselves:

Eating too few calories during the day and bingeing later:

This is probably the most common sabotage of all. Has this happened to you? Often it is a case of willpower. It is interesting that we have a certain amount of daily will power and if that is used up on stress or decisions earlier in the day, you have nothing to hold you back from the nightly binge. You are tired, flat and that bread is calling your name loudly.

It may also not be as simple as willpower. You may be under-eating during the day and expecting your body to produce enough energy for workouts, recovery, daily tasks and stresses and be a normal functioning member of the family……. Not possible and a classic setup for disaster.

Whatever way it may hit you, this happens with ominous regularity each afternoon or evening and undoes all the good you may have done up till that point. Often the reason we are behaving like this is to fast track results. Yes, it is possible it will, but to the utter detriment of your life, family, friends and health. Pulling back and accepting it will take a little longer than a few days, and eating consistently with whole foods will enable the transformations to take place quick enough and sustainably.

Not prioritising sleep:

No sleep equals high cortisol (stress), high ghrelin (hunger), and basically encourages your body to hold onto its fat stores. No matter what your goal is, I doubt it is to increase your fat percentage. Not only does it hold on to fat but the body also does NOT want to build muscle. Muscle is energetically expensive and if you under eat or sleep poorly the body will place muscle building and muscle maintenance dead last. It is horrible when you work hard in the gym, see no results and have a body that is sore and aching from a lack of proper recovery.

Food choices:

Using the suggested amounts and numbers of macro servings you really can’t go wrong. Just try this and trust. When I first started eating this way many years ago I was sure I would put on weight, I was so used to thinking I had to eat nothing to lose fat…it was scary to eat, but low and behold it worked and I am no outlier, trust me.

Are you eating whole foods?

Be honest here. Are you eating whole foods…. Really? Personally I LOVE my processed foods….damn…they really aren’t good for us…even my beloved protein bars. Give yourself a challenge and try to only eat whole foods for one day this week (more if you can). Here is a link to a sheet of great ones. Whole foods satisfy your hunger more and supply nutrients at the right ratios for maximal uptake in your body.

Little bit of trivia:

How’s your breathing?

Did you know that when we exercise and diet, causing adipose tissue to breakdown and release stored fatty acids, these circulate throughout the body and unless we excrete them somehow, they will just pop back into adipose tissue again. Excretion is done through the liver and kidneys, so we need those guys healthy and hydrated BUT the main way to release the fat is through oxidation….. breath.

Do you breathe deeply regularly? Many of us are shallow breathers…. Make time to focus on deep breaths in and longer breaths out. Try a 4 count in, 7 count hold and 8 count release.

To finish:

I may not have addressed a concern you have, so let me know if thats the case, but otherwise, today is a perfect day to regroup and plan for success by addressing the obstacles you hit. The biggest problem I see constantly is those that don’t do this. Have look at this PDF. Print it out, stick it on the fridge and try to eat as much as possible from the green section suggestions.

If you feel overwhelmed or hopeless please book in to see me or another nutrition specialist. It won’t take much to guide you to a better and easier way to eat, a ways that fits in with your daily life and will make the transition to a healthier, stronger, fitter you a reality not just a dream.

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Why you should exercise MORE as you age, NOT less

Where do we start? Why should YOU include exercise into your daily life?

The benefits of moving your body everyday is extensive. We all know it increases well being and its “healthy” and “good for you”…….but in what way is it really? There are plenty of studies. Let's go to a small list of what some have shown.

National Cancer Institute finds exercise, anytime and level , can extend your life by up to 4.5 years. Even low intensity exercises got a life extension, although those moderate to high intensity and frequency gained the longest time.

Exercise lowers mortality in this study. It lessens mobility problems and stops tendon breakdown in older adults. It also lowers or prevents joint problems in later life.


This study found that exercise can protect against neural dysfunction, particularly the deterioration associated with aging.

HIIT and weight lifting increases mitochondria by up to 69% in older adults and in some cases actually reversing the aging of muscle mitochondria

"Sedentary aging can lead to a stiffening of the muscle in the heart's left ventricle, the chamber that pumps oxygen-rich blood back out to the body”

Exercise is very cardio protective and can even reverse damage in the heart cells, preventing future heart failure. This study showed this is particularly the case if started before the age of 65 and done 4-5 x a week for 30 mins

Now the thing with exercise is that it is a broad and vague term. Exercise is not just walking. To get the full health and longevity benefits of it you need to address the following several times a week:

  • Strength

  • Mobility

  • Flexibility

No Excuses

“But it hurts my back/ knees/ hands/ (insert body part) if I try to do that .."

Oh yes! Absolutely, and who wants to move and lift things and stretch the way this young 40 something (cough, cough) woman is telling me I should.

Let's think to the things you do everyday that.

Everyday you sit down and stand up …..

thats a squat,

thats a squat with a fair bit of body weight.

If you squat like this with weak muscles and let the knees and back try to perform it for you, its going to hurt. Do it several times a day with poor form and it becomes a daily chronic painful issue.…. You carry shopping bags, your own bags daily, or at least you SHOULD be able to do that. Thats 3-8 kilos right there. You may lift luggage into overhead compartments, shopping into the car, jars onto high shelves and here we have an overhead press. Shoulder muscles that should be performing their duty and not the unsupported joint which will hurt. We drop things, we should be able to pick it up with out looking at it for a while deciding whether its worth it. We want to be able to bend down and pick up kids and grandkids. Many play golf or other sports, even walking, gardening and would like to be able to do this pain free….a fair thing I think!

Most of these movements we are going to perform everyday regardless of our fitness status, so why not do some strength and mobility work and be able to breeze through those movements and not let them restrict you and take your brain power that can now be used for other more interesting things.

The thing is, most aches, pains and injuries are the result of poor posture and poor movement patterns. Add years and years of moving and lifting and carrying this way and you have chronic patterns that aren’t serving you in anyway. What is fantastic about our bodies is that it wants to be healthy and strong. Start correcting posture and rebuilding poor movement patterns and the body will almost immediately give you positive feedback with a flood of wellbeing and less pain. You sleep better, move easier and suddenly you find you have the brain space to want to do more things in life and the energy to do them. It really only takes a little bit of time out of everyday. 30 mins everyday is not a big amount of time when the payoff is so profound.

Things you can do right now

Try to do:

  • Grab a broomstick and use it to circle the head and open your posture up every morning (broom stick video)

  • 30 mins of exercise everyday

  • 10, 000 steps a day

  • Include big movements for your legs like squatting and step ups, for improved brain cognition, all over strength and weight control

  • Try a group session for the social benefit (study showing greater benefits in older adults when working out in a group)

The beauty of exercise is that it is cost free. Out you go and walk, deeply breathe in that fresh air and take a look up, see that beautiful blue sky and tree tops. Or at least I hope thats what you can see :-). In my suburb there are still trees and birds. Walk around the city, again glancing up and notice the details on the top of these buildings. This reminds me when I’m in the middle of Adelaide, Melbourne or Sydney…..Above the trendy new facades there is still the imprint of the old buildings originally built. Fascinating to see….just look down occasionally and mind the cracks!

Having a good look at the blue sky does many things, Its great for the posture and perfect to set the circadian rhythm of your body. Certain neural processes happen when we look at the sky, particularly first thing in the morning. As long as there is nothing in the way of your gaze and the sky, such as glasses and windows, the body sets up a certain sun protection for your skin and also activates melatonin production for that night. Producing melatonin is essential for sleep, glucose control and brain health.

More free things.

As you are walking, sit and stand at every bench you find, 10 times.

Set yourself a daily routine. Move while the coffee is boiling, stretch while you brush your teeth. Set yourself a squatting goal of 100 for the day and bit by bit knock it off, grab a friend and walk to and from a coffee shop.


*bonus - a 20 min walk after eating while increase your insulin sensitivity and therefore blood glucose control. Increase that = fat burning, also the glucose control has a cascading series of benefits to reduce obesity, activate our immune system, increase brain health

These are examples of things you can do when you do not have a routine and are nervous about beginning one. Just start, just do. The only exercise that works is the one you do, not the one you think about. Get a coach/trainer (let me help you. We can set a day to day routine for you.) Coaches are great. You can use us for workout sessions or if you are shy or strapped for cash, just ask for a routine that you can do on your own. Have a look at my youtube channel or website for some short easy ideas to mobilise the body.

All the very best,

Vash :-)

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10 Tips To Kickstart Your Fat-loss

Fat loss is an ongoing concern for many of us.

We often feel its a choice between a fun life and good times with friends then being overweight OR an intense workout everyday and a diet that leaves us hangry as all hell, hopefully we are slimmer ……. until we inevitably relax and straight back to the old us

Fat loss really isn’t that hard, BUT it's easy to panic and make it hard. I work with people who want to lose fat all the time. Clients get a good eating plan, recommendations and guidance through workouts that will improve shape/ strength/ tone. You don’t need a coach though. It is easier to initiate change with a coach, but what if you can’t afford it or feel you are beyond help.

Be consistent - this is actually a first and last rule.

Pick one of the below and stick with it EVERYDAY. The people who don’t achieve their goals (and this applies in everything), are the ones that don’t do something everyday towards it.

Its always the 80/20% rule, there is no need to be perfect. Fat loss WILL occur if you are consistent.

Thats it.

It really is that easy, but of course we don’t tend to do what needs to be done. Sometimes we start a massive change. All in. That lasts about 2-6 weeks, and then we are back to where we were or worse. So lets start small. Its not as satisfying but it works and it lasts.

Consistency is the key, but it doesn’t just happen. We need a plan and we need rules. We are training that goodnatured and lazy Labrador that lurks inside of us.

Your first task is to pick one of the rules below and do it everyday for a week. Keep it simple and easy.

Then add another thing and do that everyday, and so on.

These are habits below are shown time and again what all successfully slim people do. Once you have done it enough, you will be one of those people too.

Lets Go!


10 - 15,000 steps a day - It’s not necessary to count steps but it is a really good way to see how active you are during each day and it will encourage you to move more

Weights- Lift weights 3 -4 x a week. Muscle burns fat. Full stop. We can build bulky muscle or lean muscle BUT we must build muscle for a strong, youthful body and mind.


Water- 2-3 litres a day (yes tea and coffee do count, but fresh is best. Do NOT count soft drinks, even diet ones)

No Soft drinks - diet or otherwise. Diet soft drinks still trigger insulin responses and that will lead to fat gain.

5-8 Serves of vegetables a day- Most of us don’t eat nearly enough.

Protein with every meal- protein is filling, no doubt about it. Add healthy proteins to every meal and snack and try even to eat them first.

Carb free days- It's true, excess carbs turn convert to fats (so do proteins by the way, but that’s a little harder). Minimising or eliminating carbs is a brilliant way to pull your body towards greater health and that always means burning excess fat. Try a day without breads, pasta, rice, all grains, low fruit, and no sugar. See how that feels. Make sure to add healthy organic olive oil, fish oils, avocados, oily fish etc, to feed your body and keep you satisfied.

Intermittent fasting- There are so many styles of intermittent fasting and they can be extremely effective. The 5 and 2 days and the daily 12 hour eating window is among the easiest and most common. Fasting can be overdone and females are a little more sensitive to hormonal fluctuations that they can cause, so read up before you dive into it hard.

Chew slowly - Try for 20 chews per mouthful and watch how satiated you feel and less prone to look for more. Its also a great mindfulness exercise.


Sleep- The best for last. Sleep is vital for our body to function properly and ‘good’ sleep is imperative. There are 3 basic phases to sleep and that is a cycle from light sleep to deep sleep to REM (dream state generally speaking). We need a good dose of all 3 to maintain a healthy body and mind. Fat wise, poor sleep will lead to elevated cortisol and more chronically high insulin levels and these guys equal fat gain and also fat burning resistance. Put sleep quality first on your list of priorities.

So what do you think?

Which one will you try first?

Please don’t over analyse, Just pick one (I can do that for you if you contact me). Share with me how you go. Don’t be shy, just do it. Consistency is the key to miracles.

I have only briefly described the above 10 tips to start losing fat. Please email me if you have any questions regarding them. I’m available for bookings, in person and online, if you wish to get a personal program created for you that will incorporate fitness, nutrition and lifestyle enhancements to fit your personal situation.

All the best to you and your health!

Vashti :-)

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Brain health and Dame Judy

I’ve just been watching (please read in a posh English accent), an absolutely delightful documentary that interviews four wonderful old English theatre actresses, Judy Dench, Joan Sutherland, Maggie Smith, and Eileen Atkins. It’s called Tea with the Dames.

I’ve always found reading or hearing of others lives and thoughts a very enriching experience and this was no exception. These ladies have lived fascinating lives and have all been through ups and downs that many can relate to, although playing opposite Lawrence Olivier (one of the most famous actors ever for those unaware), is probably not relatable for most of us, however, we can imagine…ahhhhh.

One wonderful bonus from this mesmerizing documentary is that I am enjoying all my thoughts coming to me in a FABULOUS English accent….. trust me…I sound just ‘magnificent’.

The other, less self-centred bonus

While I was soaking in the wit and humour from each of these ladies. I was struck with the lost art of repartee, quick-witted direct communication in our modern society. More and more, electronics have become our main form of learning and communication…..personallyI feel that I have lost a lot of that ability even though I grew up largely without electronic distraction and plenty of note writing and outdoor play, let alone the proceeding generations who are mainly indoors and bent over some device, thumbs moving wildly.

I promise this is NOT a modern society put down piece as I am adamantly positive about our future as a species even when it can often seem to be hurtling down a terrible slope (example Trump being Trump…and STILL president! My God)

I do believe/ hope, there will be a swing in the reverse direction, back to older values like those of outdoor play, falling over, getting hurt without a helicopter parent racing in to soothe, and manners where men (and women) will once again open the doors for others. Probably the main reason I feel confident about this and don’t get too despondent is that eventually the link between being sedentary and eating processed food with the diseases of dementia, diabetes, cancer, etc, will be proof enough that even the naysayers will quieten down. It will take to go this mainstream….our governments always are the slowest to learn…….   but I think it will happen.

This links to the next point and if you have remained with me this far through my waffle, this is the reason for this article.

What do you wish you had changed or known when you were younger?

Each woman was asked this question and AS THEY WERE LAUGHING AND TEASING EACH OTHER ABOUT HEARING AIDS and diminishing eyesight, Dame Joan said that she wished she had known how important our brain health is. She mentioned that it's not apparent when you are younger, how much the health of the brain affects us, but it becomes quite clear when you get older how important it is. Dame Judy now does her best to look after her mind, but she wishes she had started younger.

Each woman agreed and they all said this was the one thing they would all have changed and looked after their brain health from their forties.

I wrote a few articles on brain health last year as I noticed many of us are noticing memory loss, brain fade, or worse with too many of our family and friends being diagnosed with dementia or cognitive issues.

Its NEVER too late to start helping your brain and the wonderful bonus is that all things that help your brain also help the rest of your body and that means you are happier and are probably enjoying your life a lot more.

Click the links below for some direct ideas on improving your brain health

Nutrition for the brain

Exercise and your brain

Supplements for your brain

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Do you want a MIRACULOUS morning?

I heard the term ‘morning miracle’ first used by an author named Hal Elrod. This young man had a nasty accident in his early 20’s and through a lot of perseverance and positivity and support was able to go from not being able to move and given a fairly dismal future diagnosis, to moving and fully functioning fairly quickly. My details won’t be exact, as it is several years since I have heard about this man, but what he achieved against the odds and in short time is astounding. He was inspired to create a concept he dubbed the ‘6 minute morning miracle’, it was his way of making sure that every morning he started the day with meaningful actions designed to get him stepping toward goals.

This concept in itself is nothing new. I’m sure you have heard of doing regular small things that end up being a big thing such as a new skill or productive habit, new business, better relationships etc. What I appreciated about Hal is that he appealed to my lazy yet structured brain with this one minute concept.

The idea is to allot 1 or 2 mins to 3- 6 things. For example, as soon as you wake up you could:

From life

From life

  • Meditate

  • Write in a gratitude journal

  • Squats

  • Pushups

  • Write a to do list

  • Stretch

1 minute each and in 6 minutes you are done. It’s not a lot of time but I’m sure you can see by the end of it you would feel like you have started your day off brilliantly. Mentally inspired, physically ready to go and emotionally settled.

It’s the concept of this that I appreciate. It’s a great way to start new habits but not feel overwhelmed when you really have little to no motivation at times.

We all could do exercise for one minute even when feeling like its the last thing on earth you would like to be doing.

Just Do it.

Try it right now, lets just do something for 3 tiny little minutes.

Put your timer on. Make it easy and start with 3 big impact things.

First 60 seconds,

Exercise. Squats, star jumps, pushups...a combination of the above, or simply stretch, 30 secs per side in a lunge or waist or hamstring stretch.

Next 60,

Paper and pencil and write. Write things and people you are grateful for. Go!

And the final 60 seconds,

Close your eyes. Breathe and listen for a while and sounds around you. Then bring the focus to the breath passing in and out of your nose. then follow that breath to feeling inside your head, all around and gradually make your way down your spine to your.... oops! Times up.

Now, how do you feel?

Imagine starting everyday like this

.... imagine finding every day like this .... theres no limit or restriction. We are all individual. Where could this idea most benefit you?

Individualise this

Again, theres no real rules and restrictions ..... this is just a cool flexible way of adding good quality routines and beneficial habits into your life. So think what you really need to address ..... is it more activity? Is it calmness? Is it learning a skill? Is it just to be happier?

If you are not sure, or need a bit of help, a good coach is the perfect person to go to. Someone like myself who is positive, open and individualised will help you set the goals and methods that best fit your life. They can either hold your hand for a few weeks/ months/ years.... or leave you to it... what ever you need.

Lets do it

Write a free list of things you would like to add into your life to enrich your world. Don’t analyse, just write.

When you are done pick the top 6. Then pick the top 3.

Start with 3 things at one minute each. It sounds tiny, but just do it at least once....then you can either add a few others or make it 2 mins each. No over achieving here.... just for a few days. After say 5 days in a row have a think about increasing it or leaving it exactly as it is for now.

But what if I’m in the flow and don’t want to stop?

Say you are exercising first, then before meditating you have your gratitude list minute to do and you are really getting into it. Just stop....its good discipline and if you kept going the odds are that you won’t do the meditation section no matter that you may tell yourself you will. Do the meditation. when that’s finished go straight back to your gratitude exercise.

It sounds easy and it should be, but what can derail you is if you want to add ‘exercise’ but then come unstuck about the best one to choose as you only have one or 2 minutes for it....thats where a friend or coach can help.

Say you want to learn a language and think how on earth in that short time can I make it count? Or you don’t like meditating but know its ‘good for you’ so you want to add it to your life.

Let me give you some more examples:

First is exercising :

You may have a fatburning goal and want to make your bottom a nice shape. Aobviously you will not be able to accomplish fatburning in your time, BUT you can increase your blood flow and energy to be ready to put in later. So 30 seconds of either vigorous squat jumping or squatting and 30 seconds of bottom squeezes would be a great start. thats for a one minute interval.



Second, a language:

Pick out one or two new words at the most and write them out over and over and then look at them and say them out loud. Voila!

Third, for the reluctant meditators:

Do a forward fold and hang or lie on your back with your legs up on the wall and allow them to sink to the sides. Now breathe and hold. As you breathe, think about the muscles you feel stretching, note your desire to get out of that stretch and breathe through that.... one minute is up before you know it and your body is echoing a big THANK YOU!

Meditating outside the box

Meditating outside the box

There are endless options.

Think about the last year you have had...

did you grow or change? Are you sitting here feeling you are in the same or similar spot?

Imagine if you did some little habit everyday for the next year ..... the difference it would make to you as a person.

Pretty significant huh!?!

It’s easy, but most of the time we don’t do this. Any steps you make will benefit and change you. Start today, don’t make excuses. If you need help, let me know. If you start doing it yourself, let me know too! I want to hear :-)

Make 2019 YOUR year.

Love, Vash x


Sample morning routines from super achievers:

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Hacks to enhance my life, brain, body, performance

A few weeks ago I was quite taken aback … in a good way ….

The owner of one of the gyms I work at asked me to sit with him and film a short video of what my day consists of. In short what do I do now, at the age of 47, to keep me fit and healthy. He knows I love bio hacking (which is just finding simple ways to live, think and move better through life), and we have spent a lot of time in the past exchanging ideas and any interesting things we come across that may help a person to perform better and more happily through life.

We chatted briefly, made a few notes and went straight to video. It’s amateur but a good first go I thought. You can see it and other videos here.

Although our chat on the video went well, due to it being impromptu, I later I realised I had missed several other interesting things that someone might find useful.

So I have decided to write a little about my daily routine with a few why’s of what I currently do and share it below.

The steps below are ones I take nearly everyday. They are things I have found through my research and experience. I try many things, some stick and some don’t . I try what appeals and keep it if it works easily into my life….. at heart I’m sure I am really very lazy. This is what I’d like you to do, pick out something interesting and doable. I think you’ll find several really easy things to action straight away, and you never know…they just might make the difference you are needing at this point in time.

I do the following roughly 80% of the week (a silly statistic meaning it may be 7 days, it may be 5 days a week).

I found being this way has allowed me to keep my figure at this current weight of **cough cough…60kg….(that was confronting to say, although I know thats very healthy, I have left over disordered thinking from being 50kg a few years back which likes me to panic if I am ‘heavy’)

…. so 60kg and approximately 19% body fat (BF)….fairly easily. Personally I would love to hit 55kg again, which with my muscle mass is around 15-16%BF, but to do that means I don’t eat out a few times a week and probably zero alcohol and a little more training…. It would make me tired and less able to cope with stress (I have a little chronic PTSD I deal with…not from the weight mentioned above …. so stress is a regular thing for me to cope with)… which reminds me…resilience training is the next thing I’ll be putting in my schedule soon!

This was a long winded way of saying I put in work, most but not all, of the time so I can still eat out and relax with friends and family and not be overly strict with my diet, and exercise constantly (I have done that in the past…and although I thought my body was great...its not the way to live a life thats happy for me and also to be good to be around).

Lets start!

First thing in the morning

I get up early.

5am weekdays, I like an early start. I try to make weekends 6am as it is best for your body’s health and circadian rhythm, to get up at the same time every morning. I haven’t mastered that, but I do the best I can, and I admit to sleeping in at least once a week most weeks.

I have half to one litre of water between now and my shower with apple cider vinegar to help the bile acids activate for the day. This aids in digestion and the natural detox system.

My sons *love :-)

My sons *love :-)

I walk the dogs for 30 mins. Its easy and fairly slow which used to frustrate me but they so LOVE to fossick around and check everything out…. then I decided to use this time to stretch my body and I feel so much better ( as do my joints), that I have never looked back.

I do stretching and rotations of my :

  • Shoulders

  • Neck

  • Chest

  • Hamstring

  • Hips

  • Hip flexors

  • Calves

…and I do some pushups and yogic down dogs on benches at certain spots.

Nothing to strenuous. I breathe deep. The shoulder and neck stretches make me look upward to the lovely trees and I always hold and relax for a breath or two. This particular one I have given the highest importance as its the key to a straight posture - so no turtle neck!

Cortisol is high in the morning and because of this I don’t overdo morning exercise as that would create too much cortisol. Instead the dog walking and stretching increases my mobility and posture while nurturing my parasympathetic system( rest and digest).

During walk I make sure to take in the sky so my eyes can soak in the morning uv light, stop melatonin production .... terribly important for a healthy circadian rhythm, enhanced immunity, weight control, stress control, and brain health amongst other things.


It's interesting actually what looking at the sky in general does.

We have all these sensors in our eyes that absorb the uv lights and others and that initiate processes and systems in the body. If we cover up our eyes with glasses or windows then we don’t get the full benefits for our body. So it doesn’t mean don’t cover up, but just try to get some pure light to your eyes in the morning and evening at least. Shield your eyes when glare is around.


When I want to burn more fat I will go for a 20 to 30 min gentle running shuffle after the dog walk, my running is a shuffle and on my toes (to use my body’s natural suspension system) ….. my version of a jog that I hope to continue most of my life. If I don’t run I will do yoga instead.

After the run, more water and then shower time.

I am gradually acclimatising myself to cold showers. I do this by playing with the temperature. A few seconds cold and then hot. I gradually lengthen the cold time and its surprisingly bearable to do it this way and my body has taeken to it well. Its no longer quick the shock when the cold hits me and I am able to keep it cold longer than the time before generally. Trust me, I’m not brave, I LOVE my hot showers and am the last to jump into pools as everyone who knows me is well aware. I’m a complete coward. So why on earth would I add this seeming torture to my morning schedule

Health benefits of cold

Hot cold contrast showers to activate brown fat, helps body’s natural thermal regulation stimulates the vagus nerve (largest cranial nerve), slows and even prevents inflammation.

The vagus nerve has been shown to cure rheumatoid arthritis when electrically stimulated. It can also be stimulated stimulated by cold and deep breathing. Low vagus activity is associated with poor memory , inflammation, brain fog and fatigue. The higher the vagus tone the more oxytocin (the cuddle hormone) you produce. ….so a cold shower and a cuddle could be the ultimate happiness recipe maybe…hmmmm

With higher vagal tone we are less anxious, gut health is promoted and with the oxytocin produced we feel closer to people and more altruistic.

Brown fat is the metabolic beast of the body. Some of us have more, some have less. The more you have, the more white (think ugly) fat we will burn doing everyday things. So we want more. It also works a charm at allowing us to adapt to extremes in temperature more easily.

My extra hack: I will be taking bitter melon before I shower as this works synergistically with the cold to increase the brown fat activity.

Intermittent Fasting

I intermittent fast most days and everyday if possible I try not to eat for a 12 hour window. It’s a lot easier than you may think. It gives the body a chance to rid itself of old, damaged cells, and also to rest from the digestive process. Our body prioritises digestion before running other healing processes completely so allowing those to take precedence for some extra time everyday is a good thing to do for general health. It also balances blood sugar and insulin levels, which of course leads to fat loss.

Fasting is interesting, and for the health benefits I mentioned above. It can be done SO many ways. This is just one. I like the regular everyday one, or you could fast for one day a week, or a few days a month, etc…. there are plenty of ways to do it so try the one you feel will be easiest to fit into your lifestyle.

I will still have black coffee and water and then I will eat/consume any calories (like a coffee with milk) when I feel I need it between 10am to 3 pm. Because the body is so receptive at that point, I will make sure the very first thing is either vegetables or a quality protein and fat. If I put anything carby like toast, my body would go into a little spasm and over produce insulin and I’d have the blood sugar levels sky rocketing and then plunging….a recipe for ill health and fat gain.

As I have double checked all the knowledge I have on how my body works with a DNA test I know that I have a tendency to obesity, diabetes, cardiac issues. I can go into that more another time, but the upshot is I am a little more vigilant with my blood sugar response to food and drink and I supplement and choose my foods accordingly. Supplements I sweat by, especially if I eat breads, pastas, fruits, anything sugary.

  • Apple cider vinegar

  • Berberine

  • Bitter melon

    These 3 power house supplements help my body to slowly release glucose and also for my insulin level to respond normally and immediately when these foods are eaten. The calories still count of course but my body’s response to them is sensitive now and not dulled by chronically high levels which anyone over weight, is.


As the day draws on, cortisol naturally dips and even if you made sure to keep your carbs low to avoid that sleepy afternoon feeling, you may still feel flat and mentally drained. To work with this dip, I lift weights. Sometimes its quite hard to get in to the gym, but most of the time I will go their and not allow myself to start thinking about it…else I will sit my bottom back down in a chair and probably eat. Weights….or any exercise, in the afternoon will provide a lift to your energy and mood and settle the cortisol. This is even true if you are suffering unnaturally high cortisol levels which is generally due to chronic stress. In this later case the higher cortisol will be utilised more productively to enhance muscle gain and thus will lower afterwards naturally and help to reset your cortisol cycle.

Exercise is often easy to avoid later in the day. Don’t talk yourself out of a session just because its not the best time of day or you are tired. Listen to your body, do a lighter workout, do yoga, do anything, just be consistent. A little everyday ….. there’s magic in that.

The best workout is the one you do

At the end of the day

I take bitter melon with my evening meal to again deal with higher sugar levels from dinner which is often concluded by fruit (I do LOVE my sweets so fruit is a wonderful substitute to ice cream)


Sleep is a high priority and I guard it tightly. I like to go to bed at 9pm for my 5 am start. My room is as dark as possible and I use a salt lamp as the light is not the blue of normal lights. You may remember above that you look at the sky in the morning to soak up the blue light which switches off melatonin production amongst other things, well the red light of the lamp allows the body to start producing it.

Be careful of electronics. Looking at a screen of any sort (they emit a blue light) and the body reacts by suppressing melatonin, so ideally you would wear either blue blocking glasses or turn all electronics off an hour or so before bed.

Melatonin is a wonder hormone (although aren’t all hormones wonders). It is released every evening to inform the body to shut down and wind down. It activates the healing processes and all systems needed to rejuvenate the body. It seems that as we age, we produce less and less melatonin, which could be why many older adults sleep less and less. If you go to sleep at different times then the body doesn’t know what time to release melatonin and your sleep will no doubt be quite unsatisfying. By going to sleep at a consistent time the body is able to reliably produce melatonin at the best moment for a therapeutic sleep. However one or two late nights and it takes a while to settle back down again. You can see this is why health professionals advocate sleeping at the same time everyday of the week and not just Monday to Friday. You can also imagine why jet lag takes quite a toll on the body as it has to work our gradually when on earth is the best time to release melatonin.

As a result, for many years I have cycled through supplementing melatonin.

I use either 5 HTP (5 hydroxy tryptophan, this is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin, take 150-300mg) and / or melatonin ( 1+ gm, not the homeopathic stuff) to ensure that my body and circadian rhythm is consistent. I especially use this the night after a late night before. It resets my body by ensuring the release of melatonin happens when it should, it should be taken an hour before bedtime. It really is a miracle worker for jet lag.

Now, if this has caused more questions than answers please send me a message or comment below. If you agree or disagree, also please send a message. I love to get others opinions and thoughts….and if you have tried any of the above, put that down too! The above is basically what I do, and I have another list of things I PLAN to add in the future.

Do try something, any time spent improving your health will repay you back many times over, so start small.

Click the button to download your free PDF. Start with something that seems easy to do and notice how much better you feel over the coming days and weeks.

All the very best x

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Spotlight: Interview with Remarkable Ruth, 60

Ruth has just celebrated her 60th birthday. When I met her a few years a go I was amazed with her energy and positivity (and beauty!). She works more than full-time, as a high-level manager with an international company and has become the happiest of grandparents with her daughter's gorgeous 14 month old son. When Ruth came to the gym those years ago, she came with motivation to feel good and perform stronger at work as well as regaining some of her youthful body back. Since then she hasn’t seemed to look back and has been consistent with her workouts despite ebbs and flows in life. Now that she has added a low sugar diet to her routine, her body and radiance has bloomed further. The best part is that she has been maintaining this for many months with seeming ease!

Describe your current exercise pattern

I exercise 5 days a week, early in the morning. Normally at the gym by 6am for an hour to an hour and a half.

I have a personal training session once a week to keep pushing me to the next level.

How long have you been doing it like that for?

I used to visit the gym daily in my thirties, and then stopped going. I have been dedicated to this programme for at least the last three years religiously.

What are the main reasons you have this exercise pattern?

I have a very busy job and a hectic schedule, fast pace and under constant stress. If I didn’t get up early and make the time to exercise in the morning, I wouldn’t do it.

Whenever I have left my visit until post work, I get home and then think … can’t be bothered. Going early, before work also sets me up for the day, clears my mind and makes me feel full focused and full of energy.

I can hammer myself and get rid of any stress and agro that has built up and take it all out on the gym equipment.

I also want to be able to enjoy my grandchild and future grandchildren, be mobile, active and agile.

What impact has this had on your life and lifestyle?

I feel far more energetic, I am much fitter and stronger than pre gym. I have lost weight, gained muscle mass and look and feel so much better.

I actually look at photos of myself 3 years ago and think who is that stranger in the photos.

Do you have any other goals exercise/ fitness wise?

Yes, to bench press my years in weight and continue to build muscle mass. I never get on the scales, I judge my weight loss and shape change by my clothes.

Note: Ruth has reached an amazing 55 kg press so far!

I want to continue to change my shape and look fit and strong going into my 6o+ years and make it a habit for life.

If you had to stop exercising for a month, how would you feel?

I couldn’t do it. Just a few days away from the gym makes me feel sluggish and slow. I am addicted to the high I get from exercising and feeling powerful.

How do you motivate yourself for exercise and healthily eating? Any tips?

I love music and have a great playlist that has specific songs linked to my programme that I look forward to listening to. I am motivated by the changes I am now seeing in my body.

It’s my time, I can put in my earphones, and disappear for an hour into another world.

I am competitive by nature and also enjoy reaching goals that I have set for myself.

The changes I have seen since participating in the 6 week challenge and from ongoing exercise has been both motivating and rewarding and the comments received from people when they now see me also spurs me on to continue with my disciplines .

Whats your diet like? Have you always eaten this way?

My diet is much better since participating in the 6 week challenge (with FitnessLife Studios).

I was a carb-a-holic pre the challenge. I have dropped the sugar, decreased the glasses of wine and really curbed the carbs. I lost 6 kilos in 6 weeks, and after keeping on the programme, another 3 kilos.

What is your ‘go to’ healthy meal? A favourite that gets you by

My favourite and must have meal is breakfast. Its a simple omelette made with two eggs. Inside I put mushroom, spinach and little sliced chilli ( seeds out). If I have it for tea I add tuna to it.

If you could tell your 40 year old self anything, what would it be?

I would tell my 40 year old self to be more disciplined in my eating habits, to keep up a good fitness programme, that you can continue to look great at any age and that

... if she (40 year old self) saw me working out so physically at 60 she wouldn’t believe it xx

Thank you so much for sharing Ruth.

My takeaways from Ruth is:

  • To consistently exercise.

  • Get it out the way first thing in the morning.

  • Eat a predominantly low sugar diet, and aim high in fitness goals and life quality.

  • Face the world positively and be empowered take charge of your own health, that you really can make fantastic changes.

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