Exercises for longevity 

Getting older doesn’t have to mean you accept limited mobility, aches and pains and general weakness. The body does age of course but it doesn’t have to age and breakdown as fast as many of us allow it to. We are capable of much much more.

As we age our muscles breakdown a little faster and don’t repair as fast too. This alone has an effect on our digestion, brain health and ability to move as we used to in our 20’s. The wonderful part is that a lot of it is reversible to a certain degree, the ability to sprint, do handstands, crouch down and straighten with ease is not just for the rare outliers of society, it’s for you as well.

This is why building all over body muscle and maintaining it is very important.

So we need to work on strength

, preferably daily although thats not strictly necessary. I mention strength first as most people don’t realise how much they have lost until they get stronger and then there is this big ‘ah ha’ moment. A marker of how well you are aging and longevity is grip strength. Are you able to carry the equivalent of your body weight? Well that is ultimate goal. Poor grip strength is correlated with higher mortality.

Then there is mobility.

This is a more obvious one. When you struggle to lift your arms over your head or twist and turn without thinking, its a little clearer that this is interfering with your ability to enjoy life.

The above is why everything is so individual. I’ve met 50 year olds that can’t do what a strong a flexible 80 year old can… more vice versa of course…. but the fact still stands. If you don’t keep moving particularly after 40, you will have the body you are earning. Like putting money in the bank. You can put $1 a day in and have something substantial after 20 years or you can put nothing in and have nothing to fall back on. The body is wonderfully logical really :-)

I can help you start and I can help you maintain, online or in person, all can be achieved :-) Contact me here or read this blog to get yourself moving.


Below are some videos from my YouTube channel. There’s plenty of tough workouts online so check out my channel for some gentle and practical variations.

Boost your mitochondria with this short powerful workout that gives a great bang for the buck. If the movements are not possible, Contact me for some ones that will work for you www.vashtischulz.com

New to movement? Start with this mobility flow. Do 3 counts of each move , gradually working to around 30 secs of each one

This is a short full body chair workout to get you moving . Enjoy!

Chair Workout

This is a gentle all body workout. Always remember to brace your abdominals and really keep the chest up, shoulders down and back

Short simple moves to tone your arms. No sound sorry.

Tone your arms

As always do this to your own level. 10 repetitions of each exercise. Start with one round of the series of exercises, and add an extra round each week. I recommend getting to 5 times through as this will definitely give you some nice toned arms.