How exercise can improve brain health

Researchers say one new case of dementia is detected every four seconds globally. They estimate that by the year 2050, more than 115 million people will have dementia worldwide.

Thats a little scary….

Dementia, alzheimers, losing brain cognition……its all around us. We ALL know someone directly or indirectly who is stricken some form of it. There are signs, posters,tv and radio shows ad nauseam regarding this epidemic.

A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with my 80 yr old aunt after our workout session. She was talking about looking into things to stimulate and help keep and even improve her brain health. Ah ha! I thought…..I’ll write some stuff down for her…..and before I knew it I was neck deep in study upon study that shows us that we can indeed have a positive effect on the health of our brain. Whether you feel terrifically cognitive, are struggling with brain fog, have onset cognitive decline or are in the middle of serious case of it, it is worth devoting bit of time to the health of your brain. I can’t think of a lot worse than going down the slippery slop of mental decline. Only fairly recently, studies have emerged showing, that as adults, we can do plenty to change the state of our brain. Previously it was thought that only children experienced could grow new brain cells. Now we know that adults are able to direct increases in neuroplasticity (changes in the brain) and neurogenesis (birth of new brain cells)

We are the only species to direct our own plasticity as adults -

Dr Andrew Huberman

Thats a huge thing! We all have the power to increase our brain capacity and repair it too …… and so do the loved ones around you …. best of all, it is FREE!

The brain is a wonderful, mysterious organ. It communicates with the entire body. It regulates our hormones and therefore our energy, movements, emotions/ mental state. It is composed of fat predominantly. Its current state is mainly due to all our PAST dietary intake, movements (physical and mental), and emotional states. Its wellbeing and future is directed by what you choose to do now in each of those things, and also its affected by our age (thats a little harder to control, but people are working on it!)

Lets address each of those areas that we have control over.

First -


Exercise helps the brain directly and indirectly. During exercise, blood flow, oxygen, the growth of new blood cells and neurogenesis increases, insulin sensitivity increases, the release of growth factors is stimulated and chemicals affecting the abundance and survival of new brain cells is increased

Indirectly, exercise improves mood and sleep, and reduces stress and anxiety and improves your ability to deal with stresses.

So what kind of exercise?


Aerobic style training like walking, and running, is shown to have a positive affect on the regions of memory and retention.

In fact walking, 30-45 minutes three times a week, is enough to delay the onset of dementia as shown by a 6 month 2006 study with sedentary people aged 60-79 years. The walking increased to increase brain volume even more than stretches and toning.

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Dancing also has been found to improve cognition and neural-plasticity. If the thought of your two left feet make you shudder a little, the linked study showed that the benefits were regardless of how naturally talented or not these people were, in fact, those less gifted showed the most gain, I’m surmising that is due to increased demand on the brain to learn the moves. So no excuse, turn some music on and get movin n groovin!


Stress, depression, traumatic brain brain injuries all shrink the hippocampus, the centre for memory and emotional regulation. Exercise has been shown to be, slightly more effective than other modalities such as medication and counselling at relieving depression. A wonderful body stretching session of yoga will increase overall brain wave activity, brain volume and activation in both the amygdala and frontal cortex.

Studies measuring mental health outcomes have shown decreases in anxiety, and increases in cognitive performance after yoga interventions

When you feel sad or stressed, try a walk or some stretches combined with deep breathing

Lifting heavy things

A 12 month study was done to see if strength training could also have significant effects to neural-plasticity. They found that training twice a week had a significant effect on this whereas training just once a week did not…..interesting

For your best brain health, it needs stimulation from a variety of movements as each part of the body is connects and communicates with various areas of the brain. As the Chinese use meridian points to influence related parts of the body, so this applies to our brain. Small movements like finger wriggling will influence certain brain neurons, and these neurons won’t be influenced without those movements. In a real world example, people confined suddenly to bed and no longer moving their lower bodies very much tend to suddenly show steep cognitive declines. This recent study found that limited physical activity decreased the number of neural stem cells by 70 % and cells that are supportive and protective to nerve cells were no longer able to fully mature. In particular it found that weight bearing leg exercises were shown to have the most benefit. Leg weighted exercise sends signals to the brain that are vital for the production of healthy neural cells, essential for the brain and nervous system.

But, is getting hot and sweaty necessary? …. kinda ….

Beta Amyloid is a protein that comprises the plaque that is found to be built up in the brains of Alzheimers sufferers This build up is caused by proteins becoming disfigured and clumping together. Something that is able to break down and prevent this build up are heat shock proteins. These heat shock proteins are activated by the heat stress that you feel during saunas and during a decent exercise session. When activated, they can be used as structural scaffolding to other proteins and prevent the beta amyloid form clumping together.

It is clear,

purposeful exercise is a vital way to keep your brain healthy. It increases neural plasticity, blood flow, increases dopamine and endorphins, increases brain volume, memory, focus. It can help the brain self regulate and calm down from stressful events. PLUS you’re burning calories at the same time! Exercise, a gift that keeps giving

Bring this into your world

Try to incorporate a variety of purposeful movement in everyday for 30-60 minutes. Get in a bit of each of the following:


Long walks, riding, rowing, jogging etc


  1. Lift some heavy things at the gym

  2. Do body weight moves like lunging, squatting, twisting, pushups, pulling.


Yoga is terrific and is also very adaptive it can be made as strong or gentle as you need it to be. There's also Tai Chi, dance, pilates and many other options available. Get inspiration from animals and see how they stretch constantly throughout the day.

A typical day might be …..

  • Wakeup and go for a walk for 30 mins. Then stretch, maybe some sun salutations (link) which stretch the whole body.

  • Later in the day either before lunch or before dinner (as this has a great effect on insulin levels) do 10 each of the following, squats, pushups, lateral lunge with shoulder press, deadlifts, calf raises, rows (link). Repeat this for 2 to 4 times through and increase weights when it feels a little easy.

  • Before bed do some foam rolling……

…….. Voila!

Next, coming up as soon as possible ...

….. Nutrition!

More Brain Exercise Links:







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Spotlight: Interview with John, 71 yrs

One of the things with old age setting in is how all the natural body movements one has taken for granted all ones life are now either missing or just plan hard work to get functioning.
— John

How long have you been doing exercise classes?

About three years now

What made you start?

i was finding i was very limited in what I could do without being too weak, to sore, or out of breath. If I wanted to do any normal activities such as walking or gardening I would unwittingly injure myself and cause more pain and discomfort. It seemed that I was forever in some sort of pain.

Tell me about your youth, were you active? Did you ever get injured?

The fact is I have always been a physically active person. Played a lot of tennis, surfing, swimming and regular running.

Have you gone through any health issues in the last 20 or so years that impact you now?

Generally I have been healthy. A lot of early age jumping and tennis resulted in torn cartilage to both knees with one having most of the cartilage removed.

That and then going for runs at least 3 times a week caused a lot of knee pain. A ski accident resulted in a knee reconstruction with torn cruciate ligaments. This all lead up to me only being able to walk a hundred meters without severe pain in one knee. Having that knee joint replaced 2 years ago has enabled me to stand straight and walk again. Prior to that if I sat at a table for a coffee then stood up to go I would have to stand for a minute or two to ease the pain in the leg and actually be able to move away without limping.

Sounds extreme but it was. Also my grand daughter jumped up in an excited greeting one cold morning and as I had a bag in one arm I caught her with my other arm and that caused the bicep tendon in that arm to snap! A funny feeling and no real pain but forever now I can't bend my arm and ‘make a muscle’.  Thinking about it I also had a lower back injury, I received in my lower spine in my late 20’s, that ensured I would forever have pain issues in my back. I have found darling ‘rolling’ and soft stretching exercises you have given me have made those problems fade away.

What difference to the quality of your life are you feeling since including purposeful, regular exercises in it?

The daily exercises you have given me for stretching including hip raises, side stretching, down dog etc and shoulder stretching rotator cuff exercises are keeping me pain free, I have better posture and don’t stoop and wobble like an old man when i walk. Also I can now sit and stand on my surf paddle board.

My overall stability muscles are getting stronger and I feel better and confident with body movement
— John

One of the things with old age setting in is how all the natural body movements one has taken for granted all ones life are now either missing or just plan hard work to get functioning.

Doing the simple group of mobility exercises you have given us to do daily - which only take say ten minutes - is still something we have to motivate  ourselves into doing. It is so much easier to sit and have another nice cup of coffee and read.

Can you give me more specifics how you are able to incorporate healthy eating into your life?

I really like Museli  mixed with fruit, yogurt and whey powder for Breakfast. The fruits are nearly always Blueberries and Banana.

We grow our own strawberries so if they are available i will include a couple in the mix. That and a cup of coffee before and after starts my day.

Mind you i drink water when I wake up and only have coffee and breakfast after 9.00am. I like to have at least 12 hours plus from when I last had food the previous day. That 12 hour fasting break has helped me control my eating habits. Especially in the evening after dinner. When i am very tempted to snack; particularly on any available sweet thing! So between 8.00 and 8.30 is ‘end of eating’ time for me each day.

That said i look forward to eggs and bacon or something similar for breakfast once a week. Often Sunday breakfast is the time when i want to chill out, sit on the porch and look at the ocean. Life doesn’t get much better than that.

Lunch is usually a raid of the refrigerator and a reheat of yesterdays Leftovers. Not a big meal. Sort of Sandwich size.

Afternoon tea and biscuits  gets me through to dinner.

Now Dinner. Totally in the hands of my wife. She is the Menu-maker. The chef and 'Keeper of the gate’ that ensures i receive a nutritious and tasty meal once a day. How lucky am I! Left to my own devices, dinner is usually solved by takeaway. Not a pretty solution or one I like and fortunately it is fairly rare. I am not that interested in food. Especially for dinner. I just want to stop feeling hungry so whatever is available goes down. Without getting to serious about the meal, my wife always wants a delicious tasting dinner and scours her cook book library for something ’different’ each night. So I am spoilt for taste healthy meals!!

 By the way I do like to Barbecue and take much care and pride in cooking meats and roasting veggies etc during the summer months. 

The secret - my Weber! Gas fired. No Heatbeads or Charcoal. Use those fuels regularly and you have a never ending filthy mess to clean up after each cook, which for me destroys the effort and pleasure of preparing the meal.

Do you have any tricks to hep you include exercise in your life?

I like physical activity. In my younger years that translated to playing various sports and building activities.

The body is too sore and achey now for anything more strenuous than paddling or golf. So to get the day off I go for a walk then bounce on a mini tramp to shake things up and lubricate the joints. This then brings on the idea that some stretching and light weights will help too.

I do not want to feel that I am going to spend much time on all of this because the sheer thought sends me back to bed to rest.

If I think it is all just a couple of these and a few of those then i can go off and have a cup of coffee and a read - I am good to ‘exercise’.

Usually all this movement just spurs things along and I think of more parts to stretch or ’train’.  Before I know it I have done most if not all the exercises on my list and am good to head off and enjoy the day.

Finally, any advice you would give your 40 year old self

The message I would give to my 40 year old self is to:-

  • Do all mobility stretches everyday no matter how easy they feel because that is what you want to keep going.
  • Combined with it -  Rolling as required.
  • The other thing is not to do daily running. Take up rowing or cycling instead. (non impact) I believe my knees would have lasted the distance if I did.
  • Wear sunglasses when out and apply suncream.
  • Watch your diet to maintain a healthy weight.

Thanks so much for sharing with us John :-)

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Mobility - Lets move and groove

Mobility is not a glamorous topic by any stretch. It doesn’t sound cool and tough like weightlifting for gainz, crossfit, marathon running for dummies, or the ultimate weightloss diet…..BUT….we sure know about it when we don’t have it, whether through injury, age, or natural selection.

Anytime our mobility is challenged….and it will be challenged at some stage….life gets hard….often a lack of mobility also has pain attached to it…and when that happens it is just natural to avoid the pain like the plague or stepping in dog poo and the local dog park….you know its there and you have no intention of going near it!

Unfortunately avoiding pain, or avoiding any motion will cause tissue fibres to build up in the area which makes subsequent movement there a bit harder, then bit harder…until…..ever noticed those people that walk with a bit of a limp or can’t turn their head around?…that may even be you….poor mobility means the body will adjust accordingly and a new style of walking or turning your head will develop as you basic motor pattern….the body’s natural, subconscious go to movement. Once learned, the only way is unlearning and reforming a new skill, which may be as simple as walking straight and tall. Very unglamorous, but if you can’t walk straight, then other patterns change that incorporate walking, shopping, sitting, standing, making dinner in the kitchen. All these moves will have adjusted to cope with the limping walking pattern, and in a few years you will be forward leaning, turtle necked with chronic neck, shoulder, hip, back, knee, foot pain……

I wonder why?…. hmmmmm …...

The Why

Our joints are contained in a fibrous tissue sac called a joint capsule. This capsule is filled with synovial fluid that provides lubrication to the tissues inside. When a joint becomes immobile the fluid can build up and the tissue inside can’t move properly. This can lead to cartilage breakdown, tears, sharp pain, swelling, inflammation and so on

Not only do the joints suffer with lack of mobility but so does the musculature. The muscles are really a fibrous tissue thats surrounded and connected to your body by a honey comb like web called the fascia (check my Fasica blog for more information).

When a joint or muscle becomes immobile the body starts to compensate and use the joints and ligaments above and below to take up the slack and perform actions they were not really created to do. Like a cyclist’s knee doing an odd in and out movement which is caused by a faulty hip pattern. They may experience knee or back pain from this and focus on fixing that over and over again, not realising the actual cause of the knee pain is from a lack of external rotation in the hip. Its interesting isn’t it. The pain you feel is probably caused by another area and not the one you think it is.

What is mobility really?

Mobility is your ability to be able to move your body and limbs freely and painlessly through your desired movement. Pain is actually a good thing. It is the body asking you to stop a motion that is dysfunctional. You weren’t born dysfunctional in this way (most of us, so its a clue

Imagine that! Painless, free movement. 

Just imagine your life, for a moment, if you were able to not have to think about aches and pains and just do what you wanted to do. You move free and there is no compromise you need to make to pick up rubbish from the floor, garden, play with the kids and grandkids.

Ahhhhhh…what a dream........

......... Ever watched a dog or cat stretch?

The animal world stretches without thinking. Make it a goal today to notice a cat, dog, bird, etc. Watch it stretch effortlessly. We can learn so much from these lovely animals.

So, when you stretch…in fact, do it now. Grab the kitchen counter and stretch your arms, back, legs, or do the moves in the video below

A gentle flow for those unused to many stretches

...... Do you feel good? Do you feel looser?

As you get older, if you haven’t worked on mobility your body will tell you all about it. It not only affects your ability to move but also your mental health. Studies have shown improvement on depressive states with specific movement and patients with Parkinson’s and alzheimers have also shown marked improvement with moving their bodies in full range. Mobility also is correlated with longevity and balance control, shown here, here and here 

What can you do?

Start mobilising now, even if you are young and aren’t feeling sore, stiff or in pain. Studies show physical exercise will keep any future movement disabilities at bay. Here is a study showing regular physical activity in your 40’s can lead to a decreased risk of developing issues like osteoarthritis.

Make sure you move in fullest range you are capable of in each joint, ie; ankles, knees, toes, hips, fingers, spine, shoulders, wrists, head. The human body was created to reach, extend, grab, push, pull and rotate in many ways and if we don’t work on keeping these abilities, we will lose them. Pending on your current status, this preventative or remedial measure will be one of the best investments you could ever make for your body’s health, PLUS, you KNOW how good you feel afterwards.

Obviously someone like myself can help and diagnose faulty movement patterns in a person and recommend what to do specific to your condition, but thats not always possible and affordable for people. So let me give you some ideas.


Start while you are still in bed or just out of bed.

Either on an empty stomach or after a glass of water.

Stretch and wriggle your:

  • Toes
  • Feet
  • ankles
  • Knees
  • Hips
  • Lower back
  • Twist your back
  • Waist
  • Shoulders
  • Elbows
  • Wrists
  • Neck
  • Head
  • Stretch to the ceiling
Move your joints every morning

I have posted several other videos to facebook and YouTube. Have a look at those for ideas. My videos are aimed at those needing help and potentially haven’t got a lot of mobility. Feedback is very welcome, they are unavoidably amateurish at the moment, but I’d love to adjust the content to suit you.

Have a wonderful and movement filled day :-)

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Healthy Habits, Posture, Older Adult, Mobility Vashti Schulz Healthy Habits, Posture, Older Adult, Mobility Vashti Schulz

Posture Perfect

Who here has tight shoulders?

Maybe headaches?

..... Backpain?

.............. Just plain tired?

(Who doesn't)

Now ...


…….yep just hold still, don’t move for a moment. I want you to cast your mind around your body and notice where your head is relative to your neck. From there, note where your back is, shoulders forward?, spine shape maybe curled, tummy out (ooops bet it went in just then!).

So take note of these areas and lets move one.

Whether you are reading this, sitting or standing, position you are currently in is one you would be revisiting dozens and dozens of times during the day. Day in day out, month, year in and out. This is your natural, go to, learned position. Our body tis such an amazing machine that it will accept being pout in any position pretty much and try to work with that. Even if the spine is being compressed in an awkward way that stops the fluids passing through well. Even if we are hunched over and putting pressure on the internal organs that isn’t best for them to work perfectly in keeping the body alive and thriving. If stressed, and the above causes stress, the body will just focus on survival and sacrifice what it needs to to ensure that. Its pretty impressive really, but unfortunately we can cause the body angst in its normal functions and not even realise we are.

Posture affects everything:

Digestion (the organs are not squashed in a hunched seated position and are able to freely move the food through the digestion pathways)

Deeper breathing ( as the diaphragm is not squashed in) 

Blood and oxygen circulation and most of us are less than optimal with it. Fortunately its a simple thing to adjust, and it all starts with the head. Place that in the right position and it will start straightening the entire body immediately.

Less wear and tear (=pain) on the muscles, ligaments and joints, when pressure is paced on them in a sub-optimal position. This doesn't just mean weight lifting poorly, this means carrying shopping, picking up kids, gardening, housework. All those things place weight strain on the body, which is fine when the body is in alignment.

Less depression and fatigue. Not only does good posture take away a huge amount of pain you may think is just normal everyday aches you suffer through but it also gives a psychological benefit. Positive, happy people stand straighter, sadder ones slump. Sit or stand straight, breathe deeply and see how you feel. Good huh!? In fact just that simple change is one of the recommendations made for people who are depressed to help alleviate their mood. It works.

You can cope with pain better. This study showed that a good posture helps cope with pain. So chin up when you are feel physical or emotional pain. It also showed that if we coddle and dominate people too much it reinforces a submissive "curled in" posture which did not help the recipient deal with their issues better, it made it worse for them. So uncurl and stand tall with a deep breath.

More energy. Because you are in a better position the body doesn't have to work as hard to support you with your everyday movements. The result is less fatigue and more energy.

You look better. You really do :-)

 Do you have any weights?

Pick up a 5 kilo weight (11lbs) 

Thats how much your head weighs on average. Thats how much weight this slender rod called our spine, has to hold. You can understand why the spine is curved can’t you, as a curved structure holds weight easier than a straight one. So we want curves in the spine, but not over done 🙂

Now not only is it 5 kg’s when sat directly on top, but when we lean the head forward, the angle of the lean markedly increases the load, it can from your neck feeling 5 kgs of weight to a huge 25kg (60lbs).


Remember the old, book on the head and ruler down your back to sit and stand tall? Not so silly really….

Case Study

Have a look at my photos below. A bit amateurish but I think you can see, first with the straightened one, How the head is stacked on top of the neck, which stacks on the tailbone and the line continues down (ideally pretty straight), to my feet. Now Its still not perfect. I had hoped to show you the perfect posture but I can see my mid back is not activated properly as my shoulders are slightly forward and palms are not forward facing.

I'm still working out how to edit photos! 

I'm still working out how to edit photos!


Now have a look at my other posture, here I feel relaxed and pretty normal, but look at how bent I am. Head is forward, the yellow lines show the angles, turtle neck is starting, shoulders forward, chest caved, belly sticking out, hands are in a forward position with the palms facing back and my back is swayed naturally, and now even more so. I was impressed that my legs were fairly well stacked under, but what you can’t see is my knees are compensating naturally by becoming more knocked. The body responds to being put in this posture daily by tightening areas and weakening others from our neck, back, hips, thighs, calves and feet

A recipe for chronic pain if I ever saw one!

Just standing straight is terrific, BUT your muscles have had to compensate for so long they don’t know what to do anymore. They need to be reminded and retrained, stretch the over tightened muscles and strengthen the postural lax ones, otherwise you have nothing solid holding you in a better position, just sheer willpower.... until you are distracted, ....... oh look, a facebook message……..

…..hmmm mmm...

…..ooops…….where was I?

A recent study of adults aged 60-89 showed poor posture correlated closely with poor balance and falls....

This research shows, though, that posture does in fact seem to hold great significance in terms of healthy living especially for geriatrics. Increased thoracic kyphosis leads to numerous problems including a higher risk for falls.

... and that ....

... posture correction strategies worked to stop it!

A study first, in 2016, showed a direct link to the effect poor posture had on decreased cognitive function in older adults (50-89). They found that a forward head and neck lean was associated with decreased verbal memory function and high BMI with low ‘get up and go’ was associated with poor movement and visual coordination.

Upright posture and mobility were associated with different cognitive processes, suggesting different underlying neural mechanisms. These results provide the first evidence for a link between postural alignment and cognitive functioning in healthy older adults.

The American Posture Institute (theres actually and institute for it!) lists the following consequences of poor posture:

  • Decreased Life Span (up to 14 years).
  • Headaches.
  • Chronic Fatigue.
  • Neck & Back Pain.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Digestive Problems.
  • Problems Sleeping.
  • Circulatory Problems.
  • Respiratory Issues.
  • Increase in Falls.
  • Vertigo/dizziness.
  • Attention/concentration problems.
  • Muscle fatigue.
  • Decrease in overall health.
  • Spinal degeneration.
  • Arthritis.
  • Herniated discs.
  • Sciatica.
  • Knee and ankle problems.
  • Carpal Tunnel.
  • Plantar fasciitis.
  • and a partridge in a pear tree


Try Dancing

Recently the Queensland Union Technology and Queensland Ballet did a study showing, amongst a variety of benefits that dancing greatly benefited posture. Have a look at the study here.

Incorporate Yoga and Pilates

Add yoga AND pilates moves in your everyday routine. Your body needs the strength and flexibility it will gain from these types of exercises, plus you get fantastic body awareness from any exercise.

Lift Weights

OK I'm biased but weight lifting will lock in your new posture so well and works beautifully with yoga, dancing, pilates, anything. Just please have your form checked. No point doing the weights with poor form, thats a disaster!

At Home

  • Pull your chin in, not up (triple chin at least)
  • Shoulders are lowered and tensed around the shoulder blades
  • Chest gently elevated
  • Belly button pulls into spine with the pelvic floor tightened
  • Bottom is tucked under after the above
  • Feel the hips open, this widens the knees 
  • Place each foot under the corresponding hip bone
  • Take a deep breath through the abdomen 
  • Check yourself in the mirror


Have a look at the couple of videos I have linked below, they give a few examples of what to look at and try. If you have a trainer, get them to have a look and they can advise you exactly what you need to do to align properly.

Just get started being aware of your body and the position you are putting it in
Postural awareness and exercises for you

If all else fails.....

grab a thick book, pop it on your head and walk around for a while.

Is my pony tail helping me?

Is my pony tail helping me?

A little bit everyday, and reap the benefits for ever

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Fascia - Your invaluable body stocking

Who’s heard of fascia? Its either a totally foreign word to you, or one you hear mentioned by trainers all the time or you massage therapist.

So what is it?

Do you really need to care?

Lets first get to know fascia a little bit more…….


Simply put, the fascia is similar to a body stocking that wraps around the body, like a single piece of material, that holds the bones, tissue, muscles….everything together and in the shape we all know and love. Not only does it wrap around the body but it also extends into the body. So imagine a honeycomb weblike structure extending from the skin through the muscles and tissues, and some even conjecture, the bones, not unlike the way the juices of an orange are held together with that web like structure of the fibrous pulp.

Fasica. Note the stringy webbing

Fasica. Note the stringy webbing

See how stringy it looks in the picture. This stringy web protects, cushions and surrounds organs and vertebrae and permeates tissue, allowing the muscle fibres and tissues to gently slide against each other and contract and flex as we move through the day. Now if we don’t move a spot this web will deposit more of these collagen fibres through it and a build up occurs. If you move (stretch, massage, exercise) and drink plenty of water, this will break down the collagen and move it through the body for use, absorption or expulsion. If you don’t, more of this will accumulate.

Think back to an injury that you or someone else had and it pained you or them to move it properly afterwards. I’ve seen many people (and myself) not want to move properly or at all and as a result the area stays still. So a build up of this collagen occurs again and again and isn’t flushed out of the system in the usual manner. This build up gets sticky and gums whatever its attached to together. You know when someone might touch an area to rub and it hurts….thats the build up. Healthy fascia, healthy tissue won’t hurt. The more you avoid that hurt, the more the build up and more pain and so on. A nasty cycle.

So healthy fascia is juicy and hydrated, like a wet sponge, but as collagen accumulates, if our dietary intake and exercise is poor it becomes brittle. You can imagine how pliable a wet sponge is as opposed to a dried out sponge. Bending a wet sponge and it just straightens back. Bending a dried out sponge and it breaks. Water is so important to the efficiency of this system

Going back to the body stocking visual. Fascia is one piece. When you have one piece and you tighten an area, another area further along is inevitably changed. Part gets tight and it pulls and tugs other areas, that will correspondingly impact further areas. Not inconceivable to imagine tight shoulders for example, impacting further down to promote back pain, hamstring tension and so on….and of course head in the other direction to perhaps an achy head.

If you are stiff, tight, in pain, you can be proactive and do something about this right now. If you are not any of those things, then lucky you, but you will definitely benefit from a daily protocol to keep yourself healthy and keep pain away.

So what do you do?

Stretch, kneed , or roll yourself out everyday and include good hydration, 8 glasses of water a day really is the minimum. Gradually the pain will abate and over weeks of regular attention will go away. 

Everyday fascia health protocol.

  1. Consume a couple of large glasses of water, preferably with minerals in it, like a good quality rock or sea salt, lemon is also a great additive.
  2. Do some form of fascial movement, like:
  • Foam roll your body
  • Jump on a mini trampoline
  • Shaking movements
  • Kettlebell swings
  • Tai chi


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Painfree? Is it possible? My experience with turmeric

This year has been a year of many firsts for me. Probably the most relevant one is the onset of peri menopause, hmmmm....trying to embrace that one, and the other is the recognition that I am suffering from arthritis, damn!

Okay, okay, I get it now. I have always tried to deal compassionately/ empathise with all of my clients, and I have been able to embrace the trials of my life (kicking and screaming sometimes) the last few years as it has made me a much better trainer and person, but I have never appreciated the pain of arthritis. My goodness! Its horrible, it keeps you awake. Mine's in my big toe and makes movement painful and often I struggled to walk because it just hurt too much. I see and feel my body compensating for the lack of movement from that side of my body and my mind races to all the repercussions that will have to my mobility if I allow myself to be pushed around by this 'thing'.

Panadol didn't cut it, voltaren, nope. I've tried MSM in the past (not for arthritis admittedly), did nothing. Being me, I thought straight to my diet. I am not that strict currently and the processed foods and alcohol would be adding a fair bit of inflammation to my body. So wrestling with myself, half of me wants medication, the other half says sternly ,"now, come on. You tell others not to complain if they feel pain and their diet is a mess. Don't be hypocritical. Suck it up and do something........Nooo drugs! now!" and so on

Then, as happens when you buy a blue car, and suddenly everyone is driving a blue car too, I happened across several information sources regarding turmeric. I have been a little dismissive of turmeric, I know the theory, buuttt eh. However, some people are having anecdotally great success with high dose turmeric, up to 30 gms a day. Cool, worth a go, its certainly not hurting me.

So for the last 3 months I've been having between 15 and 30 gms a day (Trying to cut costs a little), after a week, far less pain. 3 months later...seriously...I will not stop this. Not only is the turmeric having a wonderful anti-inflammatory effect on my brain and the rest of the body, but its pretty much painfree arthritis wise. I can feel the arthritis lump there, but I can walk normally and run , jump if I am so inclined and it doesn't pain me just putting my shoes on or having a tissue fall on it. Heaven!

Let me know if you try the high dose as well and what result it had to your pain. Full disclosure, I also have hip pain caused by me overworking my muscles and not stretching and it hasn't touched that ache so much, but Know what I need to do there....stretch damn it Vashti. Just do it!

All the best :-) x

PS - An important disclaimer! If at all unsure consult your doctor before you try extra turmeric, as I am no doctor! Also it is possible to have ill effects from too much. It will thin the blood, so if you are on blood thinners such as warfarin, please do not try this. It can lower the blood sugar so if you are on medication that lowers blood sugar be aware that this can lower it further and that can be quite dangerous.

Places to get it:

  • Healthfood stores
  • The one I use currently:
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