Healthy Habits, Success, Motivation Vashti Schulz Healthy Habits, Success, Motivation Vashti Schulz

Comfort Zones

What was the last thing you did or didn’t do because it made you feel uncomfortable?

Morning jog in the rain? Or did you just skip it that day?

Faced hunger for half a day? Or thought about it and didn’t?

Spoke in front of a group of people? Or opted out ?

One thing I have always conversely tried to do and tried to avoid…especially the older I get..  is getting out of my comfort zone.

I resist it, although,

I KNOW its important to do it

I KNOW the challenge is great for resilience, experience, character development….and, quite frankly, if we don’t get out of it semi regularly, life is pretty beige.

(On a brain health note, it also activates certain pathways that is very very healthy in the brain. We don’t want those atrophying.)


Its nice to say its good for you, but its often another to do it. I’m a classic for excuses, are you?

My latest challenge was going to a concert. To clarify, going to a Pink concert.

Half of you are now saying, “what!…what kind of challenge is that!?…give me that damn ticket!”

…and I suspect, there a few out there who read the above and immediately knew what a challenge it was.

Everything in life is pretty subjective, whats hard for one is easy for another. I try to keep that in mind when I want to criticise others. For me, going to a concert is tricky on many levels.

I don’t like crowds, they make me edgy

  1. I don’t like loud noises
  2. I like early nights, and this wouldn’t be one
  3. I like to workout and eat healthy and the ramifications of a late night means I will want to eat more than normal and be too tired to exercise.
  4. I got up the concert morning for work at 4.20am…big day!
  5. Driving there and back in the concert traffic, trying to find a park that isn’t a marathon away and in a safe enough zone.

I could so easily have not gone, give me a choice and I would have stayed home all warm and cosy….but I knew …I KNOW…. That I would feel soooo much better if I went. Like when you are due for a workout and thats the last thing you want to do BUT you KNOW its good for you and you’ll be happy after. When you want a yummy snack, and theres only apples left in the house, and ermmm…noooooo it just won’t do! (First world problems hey!)

Fortunately, and I am so very fortunate, my wonderful partner is the exact opposite. He likes filling the days with experiences and friends, and he works damn hard on top of that. He constantly challenges my zones, happily and unmercifully challenges them, and thank goodness. I would be living so beige without that.

SO, I made sure not to think about the concert all day and just potter through my daily schedule of work, exercise and dogs. Much more relaxed…. I think I’ll try that next time too hmmmm

Well, what a concert! We were entertained fully! I’ve never seen a show like it. This woman is absolutely amazing.

There was also a side thought hovering throughout the concert.

I had treated my daughters to tickets to the show (birthday gift a few months before) on another date a few days after our show. Those that know my story know I unfortunately have been forced to disconnect from them (I look forward to that being reversed one day *quick prayer*). My joy in getting communication with them when they received the tickets was huge, but sadly since then I have heard nothing and minimal to no response from messages. Its normal, but it always hurts. So this was at the back of my mind during the concert. I was thinking how wonderful an experience it will be for them to see this incredible show which is also chock a block full of female empowerment, glamour, awesomeness. All around were women and mums with their daughters having a lovely time. It was bitter sweet to see, but more sweet, as in a strange way it is something we will have to connect us. Our shared experience and joy in this show.

So Pink and my wonderful, crazy, fun partner, I thank you.

Another challenging situation faced and an incredible experience for my reward.

In the words of a dear person

“How lucky am I"

postscript: my daughter did msg me..... thanking my partner only. One message in 3 months. I nearly threw my lunch up. Kids can chop your soul down so easily can't they.....

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